Gone to the Dogs by Mark Towse


Gone to the Dogs is Mark Towse’s newest novella. This suspenseful horror ghost tale was published on July 27, 2023 by D&T Publishing and weighs in at 105 pages.

Gone to the Dogs was a lot of fun to read. Towse’s novellas tend to be my favorite length of story for his writing, and he’s delivered another horrific tale!

This book starts out in a similar way to Nana, the first book I ever read by Towse. You’re introduced to an assortment of interesting characters in a neighborhood, all of whom are mature in age. I never tire of his elderly characters. They each have a unique view of the world and personality to spare! Once you get the gist of the line-up, it’s game on.

Despite the title, even though there are dogs in the story, this book isn’t solely focused on the dogs. The cantankerous canines do play a role in the story, but the main spotlight shines on the people involved.

In the middle of a dying town, a massive sinkhole bursts open and blood begins raining from the sky. There’s danger in that, no doubt, but the real horrors begin when secrets from the past begin to emerge from the growing crack in the ground, birthing nightmares hellbent on getting revenge.


This was a unique way of sharing the back stories of each character as well as bringing an action-packed novella. The whole story takes place over the course of a day, yet the bonds the characters build with each other are strong and believable. I was all in on the story as a reader. Towse did a great job delivering multiple layers of each person, which allowed me to form my own emotional bond with them, as well. I loved that, despite their obvious shortcomings, he found a way to give each character a shining moment and a true strength.

I read Gone to the Dogs quickly. The tension and the action had me turning pages, and it kept me on my toes the whole time. Towse gave enough pause between events to relax my guard before ramping up the excitement again. I’m marking this as another win on my Towse list, and I can’t wait for more!

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Mark Towse is an Englishman living in Australia. He would sell his soul to the devil or anyone buying if it meant he could write full-time. Alas, he left it very late to begin this journey, penning his first story since primary school at the ripe old age of 45.

***Taken from Mark Towse’s Amazon author page


About D&T

D&T was started in 2020 in Corinth, MS. Dawn Shea and her husband Timothy, are the team behind D&T. Dawn, an avid lover of horror for most of her life, went from a small dream of one ABC based anthology, to now publishing other authors work. Our main goal here at D&T, is to spread more authors words out into the world. ​

-Speak your truth, through words and deeds. 

D&T Publishing

***Taken from the D&T Publishing website


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