In Somnio: A Collection of Modern Gothic Horror - Edited by Alex Woodroe

I was so excited to have a chance to read this book. I’d seen a call for reviewers who would be interested in receiving an ARC, and I was quick to shoot my hand up in the air and grab one! Getting to read it before so many other people, I felt like I was harboring my own little dark secret as I turned the pages and soaked in all of the eerie Gothic atmosphere and horror. In Somnio: A Collection of Modern Gothic Horror releases on November 1, 2021 by new publisher Tenebrous Press.

This book is composed of 18 modern Gothic horror stories, and you also get the added bonus of artwork by six talented illustrators. I have really enjoyed reading books lately with artwork included. The illustrations add depth to the stories and draw me in deeper to the characters. There are pieces that read like poetry, stories that try to lure you to the depths, and tales that will leave you wanting to dive further into the madness. There are varieties of settings to keep your interest piqued, and if you like creepy like I do, you will get some of that, too! Readers will definitely find stories they gravitate toward in this book. I found quite a few that resonated with me. They are:

What I love about the majority of the stories in In Somnio is the atmosphere. I could feel the humidity, the sticky air. I sensed being surrounded by forests and trees, the fireflies flitting about as I read. I could almost smell the musty dirt and sea salt. I wanted to dig my toes into the sandy beaches all the while keeping a close look over my shoulder - just in case. This is a book you can immerse yourself in, and I love that experience when I’m reading. A lot of the stories have endings that will leave a reader thinking and wondering what happens next. I like that. It’s as if the characters are still wandering around out there in the world, and that’s a nice touch. I thoroughly enjoyed the mysterious overtone of the entire collection.

If you are sad when the book ends, take comfort in the fact that you can read about all of the talented authors in the Biographiae section. I want to go through it again and follow each and every one of them after reading this book! The best part about collections is gathering new voices to read, and I will be adding quite a few to my list.

Last but most definitely not least, Alex Woodroe did a fantastic job editing In Somnio. I look forward to seeing what projects she does next as well as reading more of her personal work.


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