Zombunny by Craig Crawford
Zombunny is a quick-read horror story by Craig Crawford. Published by Graveside Press, it was released on February 14, 2025 and weighs in at 32 pages.
This is quite an enjoyable story that you can read in one sitting. It flowed easily, the plot is well-rounded, and it’s filled with enjoyable characters. Penny was great, and I especially loved her new friend Zombunny. Much like Penny, I was a huge fan of stuffed animals as a kid. And, as an adult, I also tend to find weird and creepy things somewhat cute! Thankfully, I never had any issues like this with any of my favorite plushies.
In this thrilling story, Crawford explores what it would be like if your toys actually came to life, and how parents might react. Also, he did a great job creating young Penny’s character, easily bringing her sass and personality to the page—not to mention Zombunny’s! Even though this is a shorter read, it doesn’t skimp on action, suspense, and horror.
When I finished reading, I did a little research of my own (thanks to a name mentioned in the story) to gain some insight into what might have inspired Crawford’s bunny and its motives. I love finding Easter eggs like that! No pun intended, you know, with a rabbit and all.
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Who is Craig Crawford?
Craig got interested in writing in middle school. He met up with a guy who introduced him to RPG's, fantasy and science fiction, and most importantly, the idea of writing stories. Studying writing all through high school and college, he continued creating stories.
His first publication came with a gaming company called Palladium Books, creating an index for their role playing game, Rifts. The success of the first led to a second. After he concentrated on fiction, and in 2008 he connected with a group called the Wolf Pirate Project who taught him all about writing and editing.
More recently, he's gotten hooked on writing short stories and has published ten to date with various small presses and magazines.
***Taken from Craig Crawford’s Amazon page